12 Neighbors Groups will watch the films, discuss, learn, and take action together.
12 Neighbors is an 8 week documentary film series for small groups, asking the most important question.
To watch the full 12 Neighbors film series, Sign Up or Login.
What does it really mean to Love Your Neighbor?
Small Group Resources
Any resources on this page are freely available to edit, print, and use however you see fit to make your 12 Neighbors Group a success.
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Full Discussion Guides + Reading List
With Biblical References
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12 Neighbors Reading List
Shorter Trailer
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Logos / Profile Photos
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Event Photos
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What is 12 Neighbors?
The 12 Neighbors Project asks the most important question of our time; what does it really mean to love our neighbors? In doing so, our goal is to educate and inspire people to love their neighbors like never before.
We have created this 7-part film series so that people may gather together as a group and watch the films, discuss appropriate action in their own communities, and then act together as a group.
Our goal is to create a movement of people who are inspired and equipped to love their neighbors like never before.
Why Join a 12 Neighbors Group
Participants will be challenged to think about poverty and marginalization in news ways, and to wrestle with what it really means to love their neighbor. This is done through powerful stories (films) of people who have lived experience, and through encouraging groups of people to discuss and take action together.