12 Neighbors Groups will watch the films, discuss, learn, and take action together.
12 Neighbors is an 8 week documentary film series for small groups, asking the most important question.
To watch the full 12 Neighbors film series, Sign Up or Login.
What does it really mean to Love Your Neighbor?

Spend Yourself
We learn about a family's experience being forcibly displaced from their home by war, and how their lives became intertwined with Amir and Sarah who show us what it means to “spend yourself”.
Episode 2A
First Fredericton Friends
Episode 2B
Abandon Project
Follow Josh and Jenny through their adventures with fatherless youth in the Wallace Woods community. Hear amazing insights, and learn how Josh turned his pain into his purpose, and created The Abandon Project.

Do Development
Episode 3A
Code Tenderloin
Follow ex-drug dealer Del Seymour into the heart of San Francisco to see how he "represents peoples' ability to get themselves up off the ground", and teaches us what it means to give people hope and dignity.
Episode 3B
Jobs For Life
This episode shows a beautiful example of how two unlikely churches came together in a time of high racial tension in a divided South Carolina community, and partnered to help addicts and ex-offenders in practical ways with “Jobs For Life”.
Get to know three former gang members in the heart of Los Angeles, as they describe the events that led to their gang involvement, and subsequent transformation. Father Greg Boyle's insights are impactful and poetic as he explains the “circle of compassion” that Jesus had in mind when he said, “love your neighbor”.

Start With Strengths
Episode 4A
Homeboy Industries
Episode 4B
Family Independence Initiative
FII invests in low-income families across the US, trusting that they can transition out of poverty on their own. CEO and Founder Jesus Gerena tells us about what it means to “start with strengths”.

Episode 5A
Future of Africa
TK saw a need and didn’t know how to help. We follow him as he first turned his car around, his heart beating faster, and ended up creating a whole new context and community for homeless youth in Ghana, Africa. He and his wife Nikki share how they “embraced their discomfort” and now walk with these kids who are The Future of Africa.
Episode 5B
Bridge Meadows
Discover a true “intentional intergenerational community” as three generations come together and solve four huge problems: generational poverty, aging with dignity and purpose, foster care, affordable housing. Dr. Derenda Schubert shares with us the magic of Bridge Meadows.
Create Context For Communities

Understanding Systems of Injustice
Episode 6A
The Alex Community Food Centre
Nick Saul explains to us how the biggest issues of our time: inequity, health, climate change, all sit there through the lens of food. Julie teaches us what it is like to become food insecure, and to have to face the broken systems of emergency food, and how The Alex, in Calgary, has created a community where good food is just the beginning.
Episode 6B
Darcy and Precious tell us their incredible stories of growing up as indigenous youth in Canada. While we learn how colonization, residential schools and current government programs have contributed to injustices, Build Inc., shows us how social enterprises can bring lasting solutions.